
What is Raw Drip?

Raw Drip is one woman’s take on parenting, relationships, and life. That’s it.  Nothing fancy.  Some of you have asked me what ‘Raw Drip’ means.  Is it something naughty?  Actually, it’s much less interesting than that…

The name “Raw Drip” was inspired by the freshly perked cup of coffee I was drinking when I decided to start writing.  A “raw” (fresh) “drip” (drip coffee) -  get it?  See.  Told you it wasn’t that interesting.  In retrospect, combining the words “raw” and “drip” may have been a bad idea, because now I get a lot of mis-hits from misfits in search of porn.  

Raw Drip Isn’t a…

  • Collection of tips on safely storing raw meat
  • Website for post-nasal drip sufferers
  • Blog about raw food dieting
  • Link to the website for the cool Japanese urban street wear retailer 
  • Photostream of people ‘in the raw’

So if you’ve inadvertently stumbled upon my site while surfing for any of these things, sorry to disappoint you. Unfortunately for you, you’ve landed in a place that’s mostly chick-chat with only very infrequent references to raw meat storage, post-nasal drip, dieting, Japanese urban street wear, or people in the raw, thrown in the keep things lively.

There. Are we all clear now?  No porn here.

Who is Samantha?


A former counter espionage agent, accomplished concert pianist, and ex-fashion model, Samantha gave up her life of international intrigue to assume the role of an uber-caffeinated suburban housewife, training designer, and mommy blogger.  When she’s not housewifing, designing, or blogging, Samantha pursues eating, drinking, and staying married.

Speaking of marriage, the largest single contributor of new blog material is my dick, Husband – er, or rather, my husband, Dick. My son, Adam, daughter Tabitha & evil cool dog, Logan, round out the lovably motley crew of contributors.

At Raw Drip the sarcasm is brewed fresh, every day and served straight-up with cream and just a touch of sugar.   I hope you get hooked on my exclusive blend of fierce & funny.

Happy Reading!


P.S. Don’t be shy…leave me your comments or email me at Samantha@rawdrip.com

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