Babies & Kids Category

Every Tuesday night a local restaurant has a “Kids Eat Free” promo with tons of fun activities for the 10 and under set.  Last night we stopped by and let the kids indulge in some food of debatable nutritional value as they played with hand puppets and free balloon animals.   
The balloon artist (if that’s what they’re [...]

Less than a week into our Florida relo and we seem to have landed the best daycare provider ever.  Seriously, this place is awesome.  The price is pretty close to what we were paying in NJ but the quality of the staff, the cleanliness & order of the facilities and the structured curriculum are outstanding. 
The [...]

Beware the Know-it-All Mommy!

In: Babies & Kids

Finally, my #1 parenting life lesson…
Beware the Know-it-All mommy.
At work, in the community park, at the grocery store – they’re out there and they’re dying to give you unwanted advice. According to these women whatever you think you know about your kid is all wrong. These mommy’s possess a superior grasp of the subtle nuances [...]

