wishy-washer (adjective)
Definition: Slang term used to describe an individual who does not wash their hands after using the toilet or who posses poor bathroom cleansing habits

Example: Mary’s friends didn’t like to touch her after they learned that she was a wishy-washer.


If I could figure out how to use the WordPress polling plug in for Raw Drip, I would do so – particularly for this post.  Unfortunately, I’m not that smart and my parageek (aka Dick) is busy doing stuff that earns us actual money to support my shoe-buying habit.  So, until we get the polling plug-in sorted out I’m just going to throw this situation out to you in the hopes that you’ll actually use comments to interact with me (yes, I mean you!).

So, here’s the situation: 
You’re in the ladies room at work.  You’re chatting with a co-worker at the sink washing your hands when you spot another co-worker – an acquaintance I’ll call “Marge” – coming out of the bathroom stall and then immediately walking out the door without washing her hands.

Which of the following do you do? (Choose one)

A) Immediately warn all co-workers with whom you’re friendly (only those who are discreet about their sources…) to avoid shaking hands with Marge.
B)  Ignore it. Don’t make mention of Marge’s filthy habit, but avoid touching her or her belongings at all costs.
C)  Keep quiet and assume Marge’s lack of hand-washing was an oversight rather than a lifestyle.
D)  Confront Marge with your concerns about her health and provide her with some WebMD statistics about e-coli infections.
E)  Anonymously leave a bottle of anti-bacterial hand lotion on Marge’s desk and hope for the best.
F)  Report Marge’s filthy ways to the Office Manager.
G)  None of the above.

If you’re like me, the correct answer is obvious; it’s A: Immediately warn all trusted co-workers about Marge.  

I think A is correct for several reasons: 

  1. I cannot keep my freakin’ mouth shut.  Yes, I know that gossiping is wrong and that it can damage people’s reputations but the way I see it…
  2. If you’re going to skip hand-washing – a basic courtesy to your fellow humans - than you’ve got it coming, and
  3. There’s ALWAYS time to wash your hands after the bathroom…ALWAYS!

Dick, on the other hand (like the pun?), would say the correct answer is C: Keep quiet and assume it was an oversight rather than a lifestyle.  While that may be one of the least meddlesome and most considerate and mature ways of handling the situation, I think it misses the mark in several areas:

  1. If everyone just goes around assuming that Marge is a polite and hygenic person, she may never learn about the importance of hand washing. 
  2. People could catch something from from that filthy wishy-washer! 
  3. Hello?  What about shamelessly mocking the laziness of others to make yourself look superior?

So, while Dick thinks that my choice of A is worrying because it means that I’ve succumbed to a “Mean Girls” philosophy of human relations, I think Dick’s choice is worrying because it is exceedingly polite but potentially disgusting. Even worse, option C shows a lack of appreciation for the entertainment value of intra-office mockery. 

So here’s the bigger question: What answer would YOU choose and what do you think it says about you?


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