Famous DemocratsAt home with Tabitha yesterday I noticed something interesting about my coffee mug. First things first – I wasn’t drinking out of just any ordinary coffee mug. I was drinking from my Famous Democrats coffee mug (see crappy pic on the left).

Because I’m a believer in our democratic process you should know that I also purchased a Famous Republicans coffee mug with the Famous Democrats – they were a boxed set, actually. But unfortunatley, just after purchasing my mugs from NYC favorite Fishs Eddy, I tripped and fell along E. 16th street, crushing the Republicans under my handbag. Coincidence? I think not!

So, as I’m sitting in my pjs reading my book yesterday, I glanced down at my mug and noticed for the first time that Famous Democrat Barack Obama is on the top row of Democrats (nearest the rim of the cup) along the same line as Bill Clinton, JFK, and Eleanor Roosevelt. On the bottom row, just below Barack and to his left sits Hillary Clinton. Also on the bottom row are Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, and Jessie Jackson. Hm. Notice a pattern here? I did. Everyone on the top row is a highly succesful Democratic figure. Everyone on the bottom row of that mug has a failed presidential bid on their hands or, in Jimmy’s case, is generally regarded as having been unsuccessful in the role. Another coincidence? I think not!

So, behold loyal drips! I am convinced. My coffee mug see-eth the future! Go figure. Not since I got a 3 of a kind on the bottom of a poker coffee cup purchased from a street vendor in NYC, have I found such hope for the future in a cuppa.

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