Babies & Kids Category

Just Shut the F@#$ Up

In: Babies & Kids, Relationships

I can’t pinpoint exactly when it happened. Perhaps, it happened gradually. All I know is that one day, Dick and I were having mature, langorous, intelligent conversations with each other, and then the next day we weren’t.
We’ve all been taught that when couples stop talking, it’s a bad sign. Surely your relationship must be heading [...]

The Preschool X Drama Continues…

In: Babies & Kids

From the moment we started receiving negative feedback on Adam from Preschool X, we’ve gone through something akin to a grieving process. Initially there was the Denial stage. We simply could not believe that the child they described to us was our son. Then we moved into the Anger stage and found ourselves commiserating over [...]

There’s a quote I read while pregnant with Adam that continues to mean a great deal to me because it so beautifully captures the inner conflict of being a parent.
“Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” ~Elizabeth Stone
Every [...]

