Babies & Kids Category

Unspoken Words

In: Babies & Kids

Know one ever tells you that you’ll spend much of your time as a parent holding back a flood of unspoken words – most of them angry or sarcastic.  At least, that’s how it is for me.  Maybe I’m in the minority here, but between all the stuff I don’t say to Dick so I can continue to [...]

A Letter to My Daughter

In: Babies & Kids

(WARNING: I’ve violated my own “no politics” policy in the following post.  If you like my writing enough that you wish to remain blissfully ignorant of my political views, then I suggest you cruise by in a couple of days for more of the usual.  Otherwise, read on loyal drips, and thank you.)
September 6, 2008
Dearest [...]

Symptoms of the Disease

In: Babies & Kids

The Disease: Parenthood
The Symptoms:

An inability to sleep for longer than 4 to 6 hours at a time
General irritability
Irrational worry
Rapid mood swings
A propensity for snot encrusted apparel
A vague odor often described as a mix of sweaty kid stink mixed with stale urine, Ivory soap, and chocolate milk

Treatment Options:
The regular application of a childcare professional is strongly [...]

