Babies & Kids Category

Maybe my vision of the world is a little too upbeat, but whenever the going gets tough I see most of us out there doing more for our fellow humans rather than less.  Of course I always applaud good behavior (it being so rare in my own house) but I’m an even bigger supporter of giving for the sake [...]

The Sound of Silence

In: Babies & Kids

Picking up Adam from school today, he enthusiastically recounted every detail of his day from the letter W they studied in reading this morning, to the suspicious substance identified as “buttered noodles” which were served for lunch.  As he skips from one topic to the next, in rapid-fire style , it seemed as though he [...]

Letter to an Overachiever Mom

In: Babies & Kids

To Stephanie’s Mom-
I’d like to extend my heartfelt thanks to you for challenging the rest of the parents in room 450 to step up and take a more active role in our children’s education.  Your complete commitment to involved, hands-on parenting sets a new standard most of us can only dream of achieving.  Yes my [...]

