Babies & Kids Category

More Stuff You Don’t Say

In: Babies & Kids

Dropping off Adam this morning, he was in an especially anxious mood.  He’d made it clear that he wasn’t feeling well (seemed fine to me) and that he didn’t want to go to school today.  I was simultaneously suspicious and sympathetic.  If I have to drag myself to my job day in and day out, [...]

The Unexpected

In: Babies & Kids

I really can’t remember what it was like to decorate my living space on my own now that I have Adam & Tabitha here.  Not only have they quadruple-handedly changed my entire style, they’ve encouraged me to push the boundaries of my design horizons.  They’ve challenged my comfortable interpretations of decor by playing with traditional notions of symmetry, [...]

I’m sick and tired of getting into trouble with Adam’s teacher. Lately, everytime I drop him off, I learn about some crucial thing that I forgot to bring in – a library book, a parental release form, cupcakes for the class party, or worse, homework assignments (yes – 4 year olds get homework these [...]

