Relationships Category

The Division of Labor

In: Relationships

Dick and I have an understanding.  He is in charge of dealing with pests, generally excluding our children, but including sales people and insects.  I am in charge of dealing with event planning, ordering in restaurants, laundry and, generally, anything aesthetic with the kids or the house.   When I explain the division of labor to girlfriends, [...]

Self Seeks Self

In: Babies & Kids, Relationships

I just received another annoying email from telling me that 46 people have viewed my profile. What does that mean? Did they read it, or just gloss over it? Is 46 a respectable number or should I just go kill myself now? Did they stumble upon my name or did they sit down at [...]

Putting the dim in dimmer

In: Relationships

Last Saturday I gained some insight into how I use my relationship energy. To steal Dick’s analogy, I run our life on an on/off switch. From the moment I wake at the crack of dawn, hitting the ground running with my endless plans and to do lists, I am switched on all the time. Then [...]

