Relationships Category

The Terrible Thirties

In: Relationships

When I was giving Tabitha a hug the other morning, she pulled back from my embrace and stared deep into my eyes for a moment. With an expression that spoke of earnestness mixed with confusion, she raised her tiny finger to point to my mouth and said, “Mama, you’ve got old, dirty teeth.”
Even my daughter, [...]

Mercifully, the oppressive Florida summer weather has finally lifted revealing pleasantly cool conditions – perfect for us to tackle the task of unpacking all the boxes stashed in our garage since April’s move.
As Dick and I opened and sorted dusty boxes and their nearly forgotten contents, I was reminded of the same conversation we’ve had year after year for [...]

He Builds & She Maintains

In: Relationships

While talking down a female colleague the other day who was ready to jump out her office window after her latest run-in with a male colleague who miraculously manages to make himself look like an indispensably ingenious ”decider” while churning out mess after mess for the rest of us to clean up, she made an exasperated observation about the state of male/female roles [...]

