Relationships Category

No screaming. Use your words.

In: Relationships

Dick is  a la-dee-da driver.  What’s a la-dee-da driver, you ask?  Let me put it like this:  with Dick at the wheel we routinely cruise past highway exits, through red lights, and right by our intended destination.  This is because the la-dee-da driver possesses an uncanny ability to slip into a zen-like state of semi-consciousness where theirs is the [...]

Moderation is for losers

In: Relationships

Yesterday I joined Weight Watchers for about the 5th time in my life. 
Wipe that look off your face.  It’s all good.  Here’s the thing: I “get” what my problems are - primarily an addiction to bread-based carbs and an overly flexible interpretation of an appropriate serving size.  Indeed, intellectually speaking I could run that WW weekly [...]

I left my heart in New York City

In: Relationships

While, technically, we didn’t leave New York City behind (we were in Northern NJ after all) it still feels like the city and I have parted ways once again. 
The first time Dick and I lived in NYC we were there from January ‘99 to August ’02 B.C. (Before Children).  As a young single couple, we embraced our [...]

