Shopping & Miscellany Category

Time for a makeover

In: Shopping & Miscellany

Rather than focus on evolving Raw Drip’s content into more substantive journalism (because the pink balloon sword entry was so profound, right?), I decided to do what so many of us do when we’re feeling a little down on ourselves. I took the easy way out and gave it a makeover!
I think we’re all suckers [...]

Dick believes that most of our holidays are flimsy inventions of clever ad men in need of an excuse to unload more flowers, candy, cards and kitsch. But I say, who cares? I don’t mind being manipulated into shopping just because Mr. Hallmark needs to sell more greeting cards. I especially don’t mind when the [...]

I am terrified of numbers.  Ever since my 3rd grade teacher insisted on subjecting me to repeated public humiliation as I stumbled my way through my times tables, I’ve been convinced that Math is a menace, intent on torturing us zany creative types who’d rather be out doing decoupage.  
Things only got worse between me and my arch nemesis, [...]

