Relationships Category

Psychiatric Help 5¢

In: Relationships

They say that your character is determined by your response to stress.  So, I decided to learn more about myself by analyzing my reaction to a situation that I’ve found frustrating in the past.  I focused on a recurring situation I have with my husband that I call, “Why can’t we do things according to my schedule?”  
My analysis has shown that this situation typically [...]

There’s a Penis Between Us

In: Relationships

Judging by the ads interspersed throughout the TV shows I watch on the Science Channel, National Geographic Channel, and the History Channel, one would assume that I’m a middle-aged male with erectile dysfunction (ED).  I find this a bit troublesome since I’m a 36-year old mother of two who just so happens to enjoy shows about volcanoes, [...]

Get ur freak on

In: Relationships

For anyone who’s ever seen Trekkies – a charming documentary about obsessive Star Trek fans – you may have found the Commander to be memorable.  
The Commander aka Barbara Adams, is a perfect example of a workplace freak – a real woman working in a modest job in a print shop who just so happens to wear her Star Trek uniform and [...]

