Relationships Category

Bosom Buddies

In: Relationships

Last Saturday night was a long-anticipated evening of dancing, drinking, and general naughtiness with the girls, all in celebration of Svetlana’s birthday. So naturally, I spent the better part of the week before the event, obsessing about my wardrobe.
Trying on a black wrap dress and peep toe pumps, I turned in the mirror and examined [...]

Soap on a Dope

In: Relationships

Today I walked in on Dick looking for something in our bathroom.  Since he had stumbled upon the shelf where I keep all my “feminine” paraphernalia I knew the poor bastard must have been terribly lost.  
“Looking for something?”, I asked.
“Yeah.  Do we have soap?”
“Ah, that would explain the odor…”, I joked.
“Not bath soap. I [...]

Teddy Bear ≠ Sex

In: Relationships, Shopping & Miscellany

Zoning over some late night TV, I found myself simultaneously insulted and amused by an ad for the Vermont Teddy Bear Company. The ad is aimed at desperate, hapless men who are devoid of original Valentine’s Day gift ideas for their wives or girlfriends. Here’s the commercial, in case you haven’t seen it [...]

