Shopping & Miscellany Category

Like an Ikea Virgin

In: Shopping & Miscellany

Anyone with a local Ikea will tell you that visiting the big blue & yellow box on a weekend is thisclose to insanity and always an adventure. Such was the case today at my local Ikea. With old and young alike maneuvering unwieldy carts of build-it-yourself furniture through a maze of semi-catatonic shoppers, [...]

I Shadow

In: Shopping & Miscellany, Working

As one of the world’s most gullible people I have the sales resistance of a compulsive hoarder at an after-Christmas sale. The fact that I routinely fall prey to the lamest of sales pitches is particularly ironic when you consider that I’ve spent the last 10+ years of my career as a training designer trapped [...]

Maybe my vision of the world is a little too upbeat, but whenever the going gets tough I see most of us out there doing more for our fellow humans rather than less.  Of course I always applaud good behavior (it being so rare in my own house) but I’m an even bigger supporter of giving for the sake [...]

