Show me your ID (your Inner Designer)

23 Oct 2008 In: Working

I don’t normally write about my career for two reasons: 1) It’s easier to entertain you with stories about my husband and kids since they provide me with so much more material and 2) I’m worried if I grant you access to the frightening world of corporate training, you’ll never come back again.  So, although a risky move on my part, today I couldn’t resist the urge to write about my job because I feel passionate about it lately – even if the particulars of my work are mundane to anyone but a true Training/Teaching Geek.

As an Instructional Designer (ID) I’m very passionate about the quality of the materials I produce.  I’m particularly obsessed with ease of use when it comes to designing for adults.   Why is usefulness so important, you ask?  Indulge me for a moment, please…

(Cue dreamy, wavy lines and flashback music)

You’ve just attended a great training class for your job.  During the class you received a snazzy binder or workbook and at the end, your instructor passed out more goodies - ”tools” to remind you of the lessons learned in training, as they support your newly enhanced performance back on the job.  These tools were in the form of a mouse pad outlining the steps of a crucial process, a wallet-sized quick reference card with important phone numbers on it, a 15-page stapled quick reference document, and a glossy tri-fold brochure which you know must’ve cost a fortune to print. 

Sound familiar?   So, tell me, which of these items did you actually end up using on the job? 

The harsh truth is, inspiration dries up quickly, changed outlooks don’t always equal changed behaviors and all of those tools I mentioned above, probably either ended up in a trash can, a recycle bin, or a desk drawer.  That’s because grown ups are super picky.  We have to be.  Our lives are too complicated to agonize over everything we need to do.  We really only have the time and energy to embrace whatever tool gives us the quickest, easiest way to get from A to B.  As IDs, it’s our job to know this about human nature, and allow this knowledge to inform our design process. 

But too often we don’t and this brings me to my point.  I’m always surprised at what other IDs consider to be a “job aid”.  My colleagues, knowing my penchant for every detail of my designs, have taken to previewing their work to me to get my opinion and make changes before the boss catches these flaws.  Inevitably, I’ve found my biggest critique of other people’s work is that they’re bombarding the learner with too much information.  

“Shouldn’t my the learner have all of the information from the program at their finger tips?”, they ask expectantly.

“No. They should have only the most critical information at their finger tips.  If they want the rest of it, that’s what the workbook/participant manual is for.”

As if this response isn’t obnoxious enough, then I really pursue full-on a**hole status by sharing with them my definition of an effective job aid: 

“A job aid is any quick reference tool which succinctly captures essential information needed for a specific system, process, policy or procedure in an easy to read format.” 

Just when they’re reluctantly nodding in agreement, I continue with my description of a what typical job aid should look like:

“A quick-reference job aid should be no larger than a double-sided 8.5 x 11″ sheet of paper, and no smaller than a 4″ x 6″ sheet of paper, color-printed on card stock and laminated for durability.  If multiple job aids are required for a training program, each one should be printed on a different colored card stock (i.e., color-coded) for ease of use.”

Then I throw in:

“For the record, a job aid is NOT any of these things: 

  • A multi-page stapled document that requires the user to read extensively

(People don’t want to play “Where’s Waldo” to find important information when a customer or colleague is screaming at them on the other end of the phone)

  • A double-sided 11 x 14″ anything

(In a cubicle that’s 3′ x 5′, an 11″ x 14″ sheet of paper looks like floor to ceiling wallpaper)

  • A mouse pad

(Do people still use mouse pads in the age of optical mice?  I don’t think so.)

  • A single-sided document of any size with text so tiny an ant would have to squint to read it

(Just because you can make it all fit on one page doesn’t mean you should)

Then I summarize with:

“If the take-away tools for your learners can’t fit it into a standard desk drawer, if they require more than one thumb tack to hang on a cubicle wall, or if they require longer than 60 seconds of scanning to locate vital information, then it’s not a job aid – it’s a job impediment.”


Usually people are surprised to see so much passion expressed for something so mundane.  As much as I joke about the monotony of work or slogging through my day, the truth is that I enjoy the challenges and I really appreciate the opportunity to make someones life a little easier – as corny as that sounds.  

Besides, life is short.  I think we should all be passionate about something other than our real jobs as moms & dads.  Staying engaged – passionately engaged – is just a good way to ensure some balance in a life that tends to swing in rhythm to our children’s ever-changing needs, as our own needs get tossed aside.   There’s no shame in admitting that it feels good to rise to the challenge of nurturing your creative interests while you nurture a family.  The shame lies in denying your inner designer the chance to break free – even if it is just a job aid.

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Welcome to The Bitch Board!

16 Oct 2008 In: Shopping & Miscellany

It’s been a really hard week.  First there was my job – which has been unrelenting in its demands that I pay constant attention to it, as it exhausts me with it’s insistence that we pretend to care about each other.  It’s a seriously dysfunctional relationship…

Then there are my children – moody, complicated creatures who seemingly have taken this week to embrace every, single, little opportunity to engage me and Dick in an emotional (and sometimes physical) tug of war.   Frankly, I’m tempted to just drop the rope and let ’em all fall on their butts…  

Of course there are tertiary concerns  – ominpresent demands such as household chores, bills to pay, groceries to buy, a husband to do.   It’s no wonder I’m a stress case.

Maybe it’s just me, but somehow every Fall turns into a blurry, stress-filled sprint from Labor Day to the holidays.  I think it’s all the craziness that’s driven me into a darker mood today.  My brain just can’t muster the energy to allow me to pretend that I’m cheerful or that I give a shit.   Maybe it’s because I feel powerless to affect real change at home or at work.  Maybe it’s because I’m tired, I’m uncaffeinated and, well,  I’m just surrendering – allowing all the little stuff to get to me.  It’s all of the above, I suspect.

In light of the generally bitchy mood I’m in today – please join me in contributing to, what I’m calling “The Bitch Board.”  Today’s bitch board topics include:

People with bumper stickers proclaiming that their husband is smarter than someone else’s 3rd grader at {insert Elementary School name here}
Please – don’t give your husband so much credit, ladies.  I mean, smarter than a 3rd grader?  I don’t think so.  Maybe if it read “is almost as smart as a 3rd grader…”

Edna Lee, you know a lot about third graders and a thing or two about grown men.  Please jump in here and back me up on this…

The drycleaners
So dry cleaning is bad for the environment, I know, but my biggest problem with the drycleaners is that they want to charge me $1.50 to launder Dick’s cotton work shirts and then insist that my cotton work blouses need to be dry cleaned at $5.00 a pop!  If they are the exact same material, what’s up?  I’m telling you ladies, we’re being ripped off here…

People in the workplace with obnoxious cell phone ring tones who leave their ringer volume cranked up to the maximum setting
FYI, I don’t need to hear your bad, free midi version of “Baby Got Back” played over and over again at eardrum shattering volume all day long while you’re in a team meeting.  Either put it in your pocket, clip it to your belt and take it with you, stuff it in a desk drawer, or turn it the f&*#$ off!

Friends and distant family who never contact you and then out of the blue send you an obnoxious chain email
If you don’t care enough to think of me and actually type a short message and click send from time to time, then please don’t insult me by forwarding me the latest political smear email, phony money-making schemes, fake sob stories involving children with no shoes who are afflicted with cancer.  I’m keen to hear from my friends & family – no matter the  distance in time or space – it’s flattering to be acknowledged.  But let’s stop substituting a mindless “It’s the thought that counts” email forward for ACTUAL communication.   And for goodness sake – here’s the link to – a website that is devoted to debunking urban myths, rumors and chain email.  Check it out before you go sending it on to someone who, momentarily, thinks she’s getting a personal note from you only to find out that you’ve sent her crap.

End of Bitch Session

Whew!  That was very restorative.  Thanks for reading.  I feel so much better.  I think if I rip off one more rant session tomorrow, followed up by a few glasses wine after the kiddies go to bed, I’ll be in much better shape by Monday.  If not, you have my permission to add your own rant about my writing to The Bitch Board.   It’s only fair, after all.

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It’s the Little Things

14 Oct 2008 In: Babies & Kids

When people talk about raising kids, they often wistfully remark on how “entertaining” children are.  Before I had kids of my own, I used to translate ”entertaining” into funny - like silly, sitcom funny.  Now that I have children I see the entertainment is so much more layered and complex with lots of yuck, yuck humor – only with much more emphasis on the “yuck” than I ever anticipated.


As we were getting Adam changed out of his PJs the other morning, Dick and I observed a large brown stain on his t-shirt. 

Dick:  What is that on his shirt?

Me:  It’s poo. 

Dick:  Nooo.  That’s not poo.  How could poo end up way up there?

Dick:  Adam, what’s this brown stain on your shirt?

Adam:  What bwown sting, daddy?

“That…” Dick said pointing at the suspicious smear.

Adam:  “It’s poo.”

Dick:  How, on earth did you get poo on your shirt?

Adam:  I got it on me when I was going potty.

Dick:  Yes, I assumed that – but how, precisely, did poo get on your shirt?

Adam:  I dunno…I think it got on my shiwt when I was pooing.

Me:  See.  Told ya it was poo. 


What I’ve learned is that the “entertainment” we all speak of so wistfully doesn’t just come from realizing your otherwise clean child has somehow managed to smear a substantial amount of poo on his t-shirt.  By now, Dick and are fairly immune to the prospect of errant feces.  Rather, it comes from the realization that you’re actually relieved that the poo is his own and, to add to your bemusement, you feel a sense of accomplishment for being able to accurately identify the mystery smear (from a distance and with a head cold I might add) and figuratively rub your husband’s nose in it.  Now…that’s entertainment value, right there, people.

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