Relationships Category


In: Relationships

After many months of the relentless juggling act we all do, I think I deserve a break, right? A little respite from the routine?
Well, instead of a break I’ve decided to spend time with my family in Ohio. Here are some observations about my ‘vacation’, thus far…
- I have superhuman packing abilities (adding that [...]

Super Decrypto Woman

In: Relationships

Not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but I’m a super hero. I don’t have a cape, or wear a shiny Lycra jumpsuit (thank God!). Flashy just isn’t my style. As a super hero, I like to keep a low profile. Besides, with a job, a husband, and 2 kids, I’ve always felt that I [...]

Being new to the world of Facebook, I’m still trying to navigate the murky territory of interacting online with people you interact with socially in the “real world”.  I’m particularly fond of the  concept of “unfriending” people online.  When you’re tired of hearing about someone you’ve added as a friend, complaining about how miserable they are, or posting [...]

