Shopping & Miscellany Category

Charcoal Gray Wednesday

In: Shopping & Miscellany

I can’t believe Black Friday is just around the corner.  Somehow, it’s that time of year again and we’re all left scratching our heads wondering how something as big as the holiday season snuck up on us.  Looking through the small stash of gifts I’ve accumuluated for the kids thus far, I can see I have a [...]

This may come as no surprise to you, but my children seem to display a complete lack of regard for other people’s belongings. For instance, when it comes to my furniture, nothing is sacred to my little heathens. There is no rug too plush not to be barfed upon, nor chair upholstery too [...]

Grade A Prime Crime

In: Shopping & Miscellany

For some reason we receive a ton of small, community-based free newspapers.  Every morning there’s a pile of them at the foot of our driveway.  They’re all the same, subbing the words “Tribune” for “Tattler” or “Herald” for “Journal”.  Most of their content amounts to a collection of advertisements for small local businesses with the occasional human interest story [...]

